The company is fully committed to good corporate governance in dealing with shareholders and all other stakeholders. NICO Life endorses internationally accepted corporate governance practices.
NICO Life contracts various international firms to provide actuarial and reinsurance services. In addition, NICO Life uses internal and external auditors to assess the organisation. NICO Holdings Plc Internal Auditors provide internal audit services to NICO Life. These are conducted biannually and the report is submitted to NICO Life Board. Deloitte Malawi provides external audit services to NICO Life.
We have professional indemnity insurance covering all aspects of life assurance services that we provide to our customers. Our relationship is operated within the scope of the law and governed by contractual documents which we sign with our customers. In addition, NICO Life has a Fidelity Guarantee Insurance policy with our general insurer to cover client funds loss of assets due to fraud or dishonesty of its employees.